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Couples Therapy in Nacogdoches

Loving, Fulfilling, and Cooperative Relationships are Possible

Can you imagine a supportive and satisfying relationship?

Are there times that you dread having to interact with your partner, because you know it’s not going to go well?

Do you avoid sharing your feelings, because your partner often has a negative reaction to them?

This is not the happily ever after you imagined.

You’re often irritated with your partner.

You seem to argue about everything: taking out the trash, finances, sex, what to where for dinner…

In the midst of a very busy life of career, parenting, and managing your personal responsibilities, you put your relationship on the back burner. It hasn’t received the focus and attention it deserves.

You’re disconnected. This isn’t the same person you fell in love with.

Good relationships don’t just happen.

They require nurturing, and attention, to grow and flourish.

Some habits that prevent growth are ineffective communication, a lack of conflict resolutions, and anger management problems.

You can’t see past the hurtful words, or actions, that damaged your relationship.

The only feeling you have for your partner, right now, is anger and resentment.

Underlying that anger is hurt and distrust for each other. You built up protective walls, because of hurtful word or actions.

But you can live happily ever after.

We can help you find that loving feeling again.

Our counselors can help you learn skills to interact with your partner in a more cooperative and effective manner.

Together, we’ll focus on healing your relationship and making it a priority again.

When we are happy partners, we find more satisfaction in other areas of our lives.

Learn how to effectively communicate your feelings, without putting your partner on the defensive.

Understand how to connect with one another mentally, emotionally, and physically in a way that fosters intimacy in a relationship.

Create a partnership that is based upon love and respect for one another.

Call today for a free 20-minute consultation to hear more about how we can help you have the relationship of your dreams.

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